also, to let you guys know, you do have the ability to comment on both my new blog (currently underconstruction) and my moblog without having to sign up.
Monday, June 20, 2005
poor ui
also, to let you guys know, you do have the ability to comment on both my new blog (currently underconstruction) and my moblog without having to sign up.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
i sat there for a good while and thought about all the conspiracy stuff about aliens and abductions and cow mutilations...and realized...why cows?!
why do aliens choose cows and other farm animals to mutilate? of all the creatures on this planet what is so special about cows?!
just some random thought i had in my head.
now thats a sticky situation
ok i tried to write this entry yesterday but technology decided to have a brain fart.
damn these new england summers. normally i shower either at night or in the morning before i leave. now i have to shower at night to wash off the day's filth, and again in the morning to wash off the filth that accumulates overnight!
a bit of good news. i got back my company analysis project yesterday and i was kinda nervous cause i wasn't sure i did it correctly. i wasn't sure that i met the prof's specifications. i thought i would do poorly on it...i got a B+ sooo..fuck it! woot!
mj not guilty - bout facking time.
destiny's child is no more - bout facking time. not that i cared.
and yes it is people do play games like WoW ...dont sleep.
ok this is the last time. hehe i only need one person for this site. just do a free trial and cancel when u get credit. CLICK ME HARD
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
bulletproof munks
sigh...these wacky kids today. they're like a sponge, soaking up everything that comes within range. unfortunately, just like a sponge boston youth pick up a lot of shyt. over the past couple of years rapper 50 (fiddy) cent has become ridiculously popular, and without having any skill even. and with popularity you get imitation from the younger, less intelligent crowd. the style that began with him, the bulletproof vest has now infultrated boston city streets. a hit with gansta wannabes and a miss with everyone else with the least bit of common sense. my question, the and the question asked by all of those with common sense is ..."why?" one boston youth claims that the faux vest are usually warn by those who are affiliated with gangs. it makes them feel tough and thugish. she continued on to say that it really makes them a target.
now these kids have not only succeeded in looking like alvin and pals (ref earlier post) but now they lock like combat ready chipmunks.
this makes me wonder why gang members haven't started wearing big bullseyes on their chests and backs. maybe with the onset of these fake vest they are not too long off. the bullseye seems like a complementary good, dont ya think?
another thing the amazes me is the amount of clothing that these assclowns wear. currently in the city of boston its about 80 degrees. at this temperature i begin to sweat in a relatively short period of time with the typical attire (shoes, socks, jeans, t-shirt and the optional button-up short sleave shirt, and in light colors mind you). the assclown who wants to be cool wears the following:
baggy jeans, similar to mine but baggier and in black
boots, which i also wear so i let slide
oversided t-shirt (remember if hits the knees its a dress [ref earlier post])
another shirt over that
a thick leather, oversided jacket which is usually worn in the winter (in black)
and a hat, usually a baseball cap
now with all of this clothing combined with the increased temperature, it's amazing that you don't hear about kids passing out left and right from heat stroke. reminds me of when martin lawrence...ah nevermind.
i just realized that the post i was referencing doesn't exist.
communication is key
it seems that i'm the only one left alive on xanga these days, but that's ok cause i'm just gonna keep rollin' them out. anyways the reason why i'm posting.
Myself and a bunch of friends have been using this program for a few weeks now, and we are very pleased with the results.
Skype is bascially instant messenger but with the focus on vocal communication rather than text.
With our first test we had a 5 person conference.
3 People in Boston, MA
1 in California
1 in Plainville, MA (close to the RI, MA border)
The sound clarity is awsome, but it all depends on ur machine and mic setup. And the best part of all is that it's FREE! The program is easy enough to set up, it's just like AIM. And if you're running anything close to a pentium 2ghz then you should be fine. my sn on skype is 'm.sandstorm' so holla at me.
yeah today i was reading the northeastern news (school newspaper) and found out that napster is has this free program for many colleges. the program it seems is coming full circle back to northeastern soon. it's like this as long as you have a college id at the participating school (and live in a dorm, i'm not sure) then you have unlimited downloads from napster for free. the only catch is that you have to pay to put it on a cd or mp3 player.
while this sounds cool, i'm very against being restranded in the way i can use a product that i paid for. i feel this crusade for copyrights by the riaa will get to the point where they're infringing on our rights and then the shyt is really gonna hit the fan.
anyway this entry was just to waste time before going home. gone
manga in my pocket
... a free IPod Shuffle and a free Sony PSP.
if you too would like a free Sony Playstation Portable, just click the link under the pic and follow the instructions.
now getting free stuff isn't the main point of this entry. i just wanted to let you guys know where i aquired the psp, so when i explain what what i did with it you won't be all, "well where did he get the psp ?"
ok! so i came across an article that showed how to put manga (japanese comics for u non-geeks) on to the PSP. i became interested and decided to try it out. now there is a program called PSPPhoto that compresses the manga images to fit the PSP screen. this is needed because this also shrinks the file sizes down so they don't take up the whole mem stick. after downloading PSPPhoto read the readme file and click on the top link to download the Microsoft .NET Framework, cause the program won't install without them. this is for windows xp users, i'm not sure what they have to the other operating systems. installing the framework was the hardest part for me, cause well i fucked up. lol
but it shouldn't be a big deal for the rest of you...whoever you are.
so i got it up and running and got the files onto the PSP.
as you can see i have Cowboy Bebop on there, however after the first time putting the pics on there i realized that before (or after it doesn't matter) putting them on the psp i had to rotate all the pics counter clockwise so they can be read when the unit is held vertically.
there are other special notes, but you can find them all in the readme file the comes with PSPPhoto.
ok i'm off to work...enjoy.