Friday, April 28, 2006

Introducing Nintendo Wii

Revolution gets an official name. Not much info on this yet, but I for one think that Revolution was a perfectly good name for the system.

- The internet seems to be in a frenzy over Nintendo's choice for its next gen console. I must admit that it caught me off guard at first, but the more I think about it and understand the reasons why, I start to like it more and more. The "Revolution" made sense. It actually described what Nintendo was doing with the system, and that was revolutionizing the gaming industry. And yeah "revolution" sounded cooler, but Wii is simple easy to remember and pronounce.

Wii also symbolizes Nintendo's long time goal of bringing everyone together...I believe the phrase goes "Not you, or us but Wii". Also the name is just fun to use in conversation.

"So what were you doing all night?"

"Oh I was just playing with my Wii." (^-^)

Can't wait to see what they unveil at E3.

Just a reminder, remember to take a break from playing with your Wii too much. You don't want to hurt yourself.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


So just recently everyone's attention was brought to the windows of our office after we recived word that there was a fight going on, on the streets below. We got to the windows only to see one guy stumbling about (obviously drunk or high) and another skinnier fella yelling at him. There was not real physical altercation, none that we saw anyway and our attentions returned back to finishing up the days work.

It's amazing how as humans we are naturally drawn to chaos. This sort of thing is common place in high schools and colleges, but it feels kinda awkward in the corporate world. Eh, what cha gonna do?

In other news - Apparently they don't make optical lens cleaners for the PSP, at least no brick and mortar store carries them anyway. The only one I found was on amazon for about 15 bucks. The guy at the nearby Gamestop was also just as shocked as I was stating that he has never seen one. Weird coming from a guy who sells games and gaming accessories for a living.