Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Winter Dragon

Up until a few days ago it seemed as if winter has been dragging on here in the good ol' Bay State. While the numbers range from the mid fifties to sixties the chill off the ocean and the wind tend to keep things on the cool side.

Yesterday the chill dissipated cause the temp hit the mid seventies. During last years' warm season I came close to perfecting my iced coffee. I required a cream that you can find in most supermarkets and had a French vanilla flavor. When the warm air hit me yesterday I recalled how close I was to achieving my goal perfecting my iced coffee, but soon realized that I also made the choice this year to cut back on coffee, and when I did have a cup of joe I would skip on cream and sugar and just use milk. I have yet brought my self down to black. I gotta have my taste standards.

To switch things up, this time around I did iced tea. For my first experiment I used Twinings Four Fruits Black Tea. The tea has a natural fruit taste that's refreshing and not overwhelming. On the down side the tea has a bit of a creamy texture similar to a chai which I'm not a fan off in my cold drinks.

While I wouldn't call this a total success, and for the next test I'll be using Earl Grey.