Monday, February 12, 2007

Make way for the S-O-Veeeee!!

After going back and reading that last post, I realized that it sounded kinda rushed. I think it was late when I was typing and I wanted to go to bed.

So over the weekend I decided to get a cd visor case for my car and I figured while I was at it I would pick up a new cd to go with it. I decided on Lady Sovereign - Public Warning. For those who don't know Lady Sov is a rapper from across the pond. I've heard of her before but didn't actually get to hear her until the MTV New Years thingy they had on tv. Even then however, I wasn't convinced, but the other day I decided to take a gamble. The cd was only ten bucks, which is good cause I wasn't going to spend any more.

The album is ok, has this old school kris kross feel...not to sure how I feel about that but it's a fun album. However this artist is only to be enjoyed by those who have a open mind and are not too serious about their music, definitely not for hardcore hip hop fans.

Currently playing:
the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap and Metal Gear Acid (both games I've had forever and haven't finished :(). Oh and I can't forget about Warcraft: the Burning Crusade. Ya know I thougth I would spend an unreasonable amount of time with this expansion, but the exact opposite has happend. I no longer have that burning desire to play any more. I'm taking things a lot slower now, while all the addicts blow by me. lol
Currently reading:
Warcraft: Day of the Dragon, and will soon get into Freakonomics: Revised and Expanded Edition. I purchased the original and loved it so much that I didn't think twice about buying this newly revised edition.
Currently listening:
India Arie - Testimony, Lady Sovereign, Nelly Furtado - Loose, Lupe Fiasso - Food & Liquor.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


A strange title for this entry, or better yet a unique one for a unique day. For today I turn 25. I originally planned to do a whole retrospective on my life, but at the last minute decided to give a few thoughts on my first 25 years of life.

People refer to me on this day as "old fart," "old man," "old fogey" etc etc etc. Most of them being only about a year younger and knowing damn well that 25 doesn't feel any different from 23 or 24. Another big question on this day was "what did you do on your birthday?" I was never big on birthday's. Didn't really care much for drawing all the attention to myself. Never needed it, and never really wanted it. However, this being the day that I celebrate turning a 1/4 of a Century old...I decided that this deserved a special gift. A gift that basically untethered me from...well whatever I felt I was tethered to.

It has definitely been a interesting ride. I've made many allies those who do and do not know who they are...and many enemies, again who do and do not know who they are. For those who don't know, trust me it's best that it is kept that way, but do know that it is being kept that way for a good reason.

Today (2/6/07, yes I'm writing this from the future, two day in the future) I realized that my life has been filled with a lot of foolishness. I know that sounds odd, and you're probably confused but at this moment that is the best way I can describe it. Many people look back on their lives and say "I wouldn't change anything!" while lifting their chin and sticking out their chest in defiance. I say...FUCK THAT! Knowing what I know now, I would definitely change a lot of things and make a lot of different decisions. I also came to realize...

...that I can still do all of this.

Cheers to another quarter.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Thank God its Not Friday

Ok so I know that it is indeed Friday, but I really wish it wasn't. Luckily for me, the day is almost over. I'm not sure when I realized this but for as long as I can remember Friday's have sucked for me for a long time and today was no different.

May it be work related or personal...Fridays suck. I actually feel a lot better on a Monday morning than I do on a Friday afternoon. The only good thing about Friday is that Saturday comes right after. I don't know what it is, maybe I'm just out of tune with everyone else but up until this point Friday's suck.

Oh btw...I do not recommend purchasing cars from Ernie Boch. Sure you get a good deal but you pay dearly in service/communication.